Sunday, 23 October 2016

Marking Codes for Redraft of Assessment

When I marked your work, I underlined any parts where there problems and used the following marking codes:

Sp - Spelling
Gr - Grammar (tense)
P - Punctuation
ww - wrong word
? - I don´t understand

Use the marking codes to help you figure out what the problem is.

Friday, 21 October 2016

HOMEWORK: Answer the following questions using PEE paragraphs

Chapter 5:
What are your first impressions of X-Ray?

How do the boys react to Stanley arriving at Camp Green Lake? 

Send them to me before Monday 24th October at 9pm.


Thursday, 20 October 2016

Useful sentence openers for when we PEE


I think that...

I believe that....

It seems that...

It appears that...


I think / know this because...

This is shown when...

This is highlighted in the text when it is stated that...

An example of this is...

The writer says...

On page ____, Sachar writes...


This use of...

The word .... shows/ demonstrates / indicates...

This suggests that...

This could mean...

This shows that...

This makes it clear that...

From this we can tell...

This suggests...

This reveals that...

This implies that...

This gives the impression that...

This gives the idea that...

This example highlights...

This emphasises...

This could mean... or perhaps it suggests that...

Example PEE Paragraph:

I think that Mr Pendanski is presented as a friendly character in chapter 5 of Holes. This is shown when “he shook hands with Stanley.”This suggests he is friendly because it shows that he is treating Stanley as an equal. This gesture demonstrates that he is not going to judge Stanley and that he wants to help him. 

Friday, 14 October 2016

Work for Monday and Tuesday

1. Complete the crossword on page 19 of your workbook. The clues are words that can be found in chapters 1-4


3. Answer the question:

Don´t forget to PEE!

4. Complete pages 17 and 18 of the workbook on personality vocabulary. 

For the words in the box on page 18, choose ten and write a sentence using them.


Optional Extension: If you finish all of the above, please read chapter 5 of Holes and write a summary of what happens.

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Chapters 1-5 of Holes

Holes Chapters 1 - 5 

Copy the sentences, choosing the correct option for each

 Camp Green Lake is --------. 
a) one of the largest lakes in Texas 
b) a big dry lake where rattlesnakes and scorpions live 
c) a cool, shady lake with shade trees surrounding it 

2. Stanley Yelnats was given the choice to -------------- .
 a) work at the community center for the entire summer or go to Camp Green Lake
 b) complete 60 hours of community service or go to jail 
c) go to jail or go to Camp Green Lake 
d) complete 60 hours of community service or go to Camp Green Lake 

3. What does Stanley look like? 
a) thin
 b) overweight 
c) tall
 d) small and petite 

4. Stanley's father is ----------. 
a) a musician รง
b) a gypsy 
c) a farmer
 d) an inventor 

5. What was special about Stanley's name? 
a) It was the first time anyone in his family had ever been named Stanley. 
b) It was spelled the same frontward and backward. 
c) It was given to him by Kate Barlow. 

6. All the campers had -------. 
a) extra food and water 
b) cool clothes 
c) nicknames 
d) blisters

Thursday, 6 October 2016

A dictionary of personality adjectives

 Dear year 8,
OED is thrilled to welcome you to the first day of your (completely unpaid) new job! It´s great to have you on board.
Your task for today will be to complete dictionary entries for a selection of personality based words (available on page 16 of your booklet.) You may complete this task in pairs using a shared document on Google Drive.
Positive comments will be available for the best quality entries.

Wednesday, 5 October 2016


Fill in the blanks with the missing words

 (all of these words can be found in the first chapter of Holes)

1)The juveniles had been _______ their holes all day long.
2)She spent the whole afternoon in the swimming pool, her hands and feet had __________.
3)Last week, the youths ______ one hole a day.
4)In the summer, flies really ______ me.
5)The high buildings and narrow roads create a lot of _______.
6)He was ________awkwardly in the doorway.
7)The _______ was dusty and dirty so it dulled the light.
8)The __________ of black are depressing and negative.
9)The clouds in the sky were dark and o________.
10)The dirt, dust and horrible odour made the place very u_________.

11)She didn´t do her homework, she really wasn´t ________ about her education.

These are the words we saw in the powerpoint:

1. ShrivelledTo wrinkle and contract

2. To hover – To stay still in the air/ to stay still uncertainly (near someone/something)

3. Shadedarkness or coolness caused by shelter from sunlight/light

4. To bother  - To worry, disturb or upset

5. Scorpion

6. To dig  -break up and move earth with a tool or with hands, paws (Past Participle - dug)

REMEMBER: Some of the words you need are not in the above list, but you can find them in chapter one of Holes.