Thursday, 13 October 2016

Chapters 1-5 of Holes

Holes Chapters 1 - 5 

Copy the sentences, choosing the correct option for each

 Camp Green Lake is --------. 
a) one of the largest lakes in Texas 
b) a big dry lake where rattlesnakes and scorpions live 
c) a cool, shady lake with shade trees surrounding it 

2. Stanley Yelnats was given the choice to -------------- .
 a) work at the community center for the entire summer or go to Camp Green Lake
 b) complete 60 hours of community service or go to jail 
c) go to jail or go to Camp Green Lake 
d) complete 60 hours of community service or go to Camp Green Lake 

3. What does Stanley look like? 
a) thin
 b) overweight 
c) tall
 d) small and petite 

4. Stanley's father is ----------. 
a) a musician ç
b) a gypsy 
c) a farmer
 d) an inventor 

5. What was special about Stanley's name? 
a) It was the first time anyone in his family had ever been named Stanley. 
b) It was spelled the same frontward and backward. 
c) It was given to him by Kate Barlow. 

6. All the campers had -------. 
a) extra food and water 
b) cool clothes 
c) nicknames 
d) blisters

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